
“There’s only something worse than training your employees and leaving. Do not train them to stay, ” Henry Ford.

Following this quote of the American industrialist Henry Ford is one of the biggest dilemmas that certain employers are facing today, and I say certain, because fortunately more and more are (I include myself among them) those who are convinced that better to achieve the objectives is to be surrounded by the best, the most and best trained, to the extreme of, as Steve Jobs said:

“It does not make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what they have to do. We hire smart people to tell us what we have to do. “

training of employees

The importance of company training

Only through the best, those who are most up-to-date and capable of adapting to the changes of the current professional environment, can we, working as a team and doing an adequate leadership, take our companies to an unstoppable position and growth, and if we fear that our collaborators leave, maybe we should look inside ourselves to find the reason.

A happy, motivated and recognized person does not feel tempted to change; generally good collaborators are going to change bosses, not to change jobs.

Training as a key factor

Bearing in mind that the formation of people is a key factor of success for companies, the reality is that it is common for lack of resources, or worse, for lack of strategic vision, in many organizations the training is not part of the fundamental budgets of the management, which is not only fatal for said company, but it is an important prejudice for the people who compose it.

This leads us to assess the possibilities of self-training. In the same way that managers must have the training of their teams as something inexcusable, people have to worry about being perfectly trained and updated to be able to choose among the best options that come our way.

Not too long ago the attendance to courses, lectures, etc., depended on a source of external funding that gave us the opportunity to take advantage of these opportunities, but today and thanks to the internet we have at our disposal how many materials, conferences, texts, etc., created by the best in any specialty that we are capable of imagining, with which we have no excuses for not being trained.

training as a key factor

Training is essential in the personal and professional career

In the same way that companies have to be convinced about training is essential, people must take care to always be at the forefront of their skills and abilities, and there are no excuses for not doing so.

Of course, we must bear in mind that being formed is vital for our personal and professional careers, and that it is not only the responsibility of our employers, but of each and every one of us.

Arturo Gálvez.